Группа :: Работа с текстами
Пакет: antiword
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Name: antiword
Version: 0.37
Release: alt0.M24.1
Summary: Antiword an application to display Microsoft(R) Word files
License: GPL
Group: Text tools
Url: http://www.winfield.demon.nl/index.html
Packager: Andrey Semenov <mitrofan at altlinux.ru>
Source: %name-%version.tar.gz
Antiword is a free MS Word reader for Linux and RISC OS. There are ports to
BeOS, OS/2, Mac OS X, Amiga, VMS, NetWare and DOS. Antiword converts the
binary files from Word 2, 6, 7, 97, 2000 and 2002 to plain text and to
PostScript TM.
%package -n kantiword
Summary: KAntiword, KDE viewer for Microsoft(R) Word files
Group: Graphical desktop/KDE
Requires: %name
%description -n kantiword
Antiword is a free MS Word reader. This package contains
its KDE-enabled part.
%setup -q
%__install -pD -m755 antiword %buildroot%_bindir/%name
%__install -pD -m755 kantiword %buildroot%_bindir/kantiword
%__install -pD Docs/antiword.1 %buildroot%_man1dir/antiword.1
%__cp -a Resources/ %buildroot%_datadir/%name
%doc Docs/*
%files -n kantiword
Полный changelog можно просмотреть здесь
Version: 0.37
Release: alt0.M24.1
Summary: Antiword an application to display Microsoft(R) Word files
License: GPL
Group: Text tools
Url: http://www.winfield.demon.nl/index.html
Packager: Andrey Semenov <mitrofan at altlinux.ru>
Source: %name-%version.tar.gz
Antiword is a free MS Word reader for Linux and RISC OS. There are ports to
BeOS, OS/2, Mac OS X, Amiga, VMS, NetWare and DOS. Antiword converts the
binary files from Word 2, 6, 7, 97, 2000 and 2002 to plain text and to
PostScript TM.
%package -n kantiword
Summary: KAntiword, KDE viewer for Microsoft(R) Word files
Group: Graphical desktop/KDE
Requires: %name
%description -n kantiword
Antiword is a free MS Word reader. This package contains
its KDE-enabled part.
%setup -q
%__install -pD -m755 antiword %buildroot%_bindir/%name
%__install -pD -m755 kantiword %buildroot%_bindir/kantiword
%__install -pD Docs/antiword.1 %buildroot%_man1dir/antiword.1
%__cp -a Resources/ %buildroot%_datadir/%name
%doc Docs/*
%files -n kantiword
Полный changelog можно просмотреть здесь