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Пакет: amavisd-new
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Патч: amavisd-new-alt-fix.patch
--- amavisd-new-2.1.2/amavisd 2004-09-06 22:30:58 +0400
+++ amavisd-new-2.1.2-my/amavisd 2004-09-07 14:40:47 +0400
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@
$unicode_aware = $]>=5.008 && length("\x{263a}")==1 && eval { require Encode };
# serves only as a quick default for other configuration settings
-$MYHOME = '/var/amavis';
+$MYHOME = '/var/spool/amavis';
$mydomain = '!change-mydomain-variable!.example.com';#intentionally bad default
# Create debugging output - true: log to stderr; false: log to syslog/file
@@ -7452,7 +7452,7 @@
$Amavis::Conf::log_recip_templ = $1
if $Amavis::Conf::log_recip_templ=~/^(.*?)[\r\n]+\z/s;
-my($config_file) = '/etc/amavisd.conf'; # default location of config file
+my($config_file) = '/etc/amavis/amavisd.conf'; # default location of config file
# Consider droping privileges early, before reading config file.
# This is only possible if running under chroot will not be needed.